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Skyedance - Live in Spain Alasdair Fraser's Skyedance

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Skyedance - Live in Spain Alasdair Fraser's Skyedance Copied to clipboard Failed copying to clipboard
1 Harris Dance (Live) Jose Manuel Tejedor 2 Dizzy (Live) Kepa Junkera 3 Marabilla (Live) Mercedes Peon 4 Dinky's Medley (Live) 5 Cries and Shrieks of Woe (Live) 6 A Stór Mo Chroí (Live) 7 Stoney Run (Live) Oreka Tx 8 The Spark (Live) Joxan GoikoetxeaHevia 9 Way out to Hope Street (Live) Joxan GoikoetxeaOreka Tx 10 Theme for Scotland (Live) 11 Donostia (Live) Jose Manuel Tejedor 12 Txoria Txori (Live) Joxan GoikoetxeaMikel Laboa 13 The Other Side of Sorrow (Live) 14 Galen's Medley (Live) Kepa JunkeraOreka Tx 15 Tail Toddle Finale (Live) Listen to full