1Good Times Bad Times2Babe I'm Gonna Leave You3Dazed and ConfusedLaura GibsonJohn Moen4Your Time Is Gonna Come5Whole Lotta Love6Poor Tom7Nobody's Fault But Mine8Fool in the Rain9Thank You10HeartbreakerPete McCracken11Moby Dick12Out on the Tiles13FriendsThe Shishi Valley Boys14Tangerine15Bron-Y-Aur Stomp16Hey Hey What Can I Do17In the Evening1Black Dog2Rock and Roll3Battle of Evermore4Stairway to Heaven5Misty Moutain Hop6Four SticksThe Consortium7Over the Hills and Far AwayYikes Mountain8No Quarter9The OceanMount Analog10Houses of the Holy11Kashmir12In the Light13Bron-Yr-Aur14Down By the Seaside15All My Love16I'm Gonna CrawlListen to full