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Zoom a Little Zoom: A Ride Through Science Cathy Fink, Marcy Marxer

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Zoom a Little Zoom: A Ride Through Science Cathy Fink, Marcy Marxer Copied to clipboard Failed copying to clipboard
1 Zoom a Little Zoom (Rocket Ship) Marcy Marxer 2 Constellation Jig Marcy Marxer 3 What Makes the Lightning? Marcy Marxer 4 Why Does the Sun Shine? Marcy Marxer 5 Snowflake, Snowflake Marcy Marxer 6 Vibration Marcy Marxer 7 We Know the Air is There (Hi, Ho, Fiddle Dee Dee) Marcy Marxer 8 Bobo the Bear (The Hibernation Song) Marcy Marxer 9 What Is an Insect? Marcy Marxer 10 What Is Gravity? Marcy Marxer 11 Zoom a Little Zoom (Rocket Ship) [Reprise] Marcy Marxer Listen to full