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Lake of Dracula Lake of Dracula

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1 Lake of Dracula 2 Plague of Frogs 3 Biographer of the Flaming Druglords 4 Cherries and Socks 5 Blues Fantastique 6 The Servo-Motor 7 Green-Glassed Moves 8 Violators 9 Dracula Killed Frankenstein 10 Coconut Wine 11 The Carpet (Old Ghost) 12 Henry Clay 13 The Arctic Cats 14 Memories of Me 15 Piss II 16 Lake of Dracula (2) 17 Blues Fantastique (Live) 18 Plague of Frogs (Live) 19 Biographer of the Flaming Druglords (Live) 20 Henry Clay (Live) Listen to full