1Hear My Prayer, O Lord, Z. 152O Solitude, My Sweetest Choice, Z. 4063Lord, How Long Wilt Thou Be Angry, Z. 25Katy HillDaniel CollinsGeorge PooleyBen Davies4Pavan of Four Parts in G Minor, Z. 7525Plung’d in the Confines of Despair, Z. 1426Welcome to all the Pleasures (Ode for St Cecilia’s Day), Z. 339: Symphony7Welcome to all the Pleasures (Ode for St Cecilia’s Day), Z. 339: Welcome to all the PleasuresMark DobellBen Davies8Welcome to all the Pleasures (Ode for St Cecilia’s Day), Z. 339: Here the Deities Approve9Welcome to all the Pleasures (Ode for St Cecilia’s Day), Z. 339: While Joys CelestialKirsty HopkinsMark Dobell10Welcome to all the Pleasures (Ode for St Cecilia’s Day), Z. 339: Beauty, Thou Scene of Love11Welcome to all the Pleasures (Ode for St Cecilia’s Day), Z. 339: In a Consort of Voices12In Thee, O Lord, do I put my Trust, Z. 16Mark DobellBen Davies13From Silent Shades and the Elysian Groves, Z. 37014Catch - Of all the Instruments that are, Z. 263Mark DobellGeorge Pooley15From Hardy Climes and Dangerous Toils of War, Z. 325: Symphony16From Hardy Climes and Dangerous Toils of War, Z. 325: From Hardy Climes17From Hardy Climes and Dangerous Toils of War, Z. 325: Fame, Great SirKaty HillJeremy Budd18From Hardy Climes and Dangerous Toils of War, Z. 325: Wake then, my Muse!19From Hardy Climes and Dangerous Toils of War, Z. 325: The Sparrow and the Gentle Dove20From Hardy Climes and Dangerous Toils of War, Z. 325: So all the BoonsListen to full