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Emergence Nadine Benjamin

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1 Twelve Poems of Emily Dickinson - 12 Poems of Emily Dickinson: No. 1, Nature, the Gentlest Mother 2 Twelve Poems of Emily Dickinson - 12 Poems of Emily Dickinson: No. 2, There Came a Wind Like a Bugle 3 Twelve Poems of Emily Dickinson - 12 Poems of Emily Dickinson: No. 3, Why Do They Shut Me Out of Heaven? 4 Twelve Poems of Emily Dickinson - 12 Poems of Emily Dickinson: No. 4, The World Feels Dusty 5 Twelve Poems of Emily Dickinson - 12 Poems of Emily Dickinson: No. 5, Heart, We Will Forget Him 6 Twelve Poems of Emily Dickinson - 12 Poems of Emily Dickinson: No. 6, Dear March, Come In! 7 Twelve Poems of Emily Dickinson - 12 Poems of Emily Dickinson: No. 7, Sleep Is Supposed to Be 8 Twelve Poems of Emily Dickinson - 12 Poems of Emily Dickinson: No. 8, When They Come Back 9 Twelve Poems of Emily Dickinson - 12 Poems of Emily Dickinson: No. 9, I Felt a Funeral in My Brain 10 Twelve Poems of Emily Dickinson - 12 Poems of Emily Dickinson: No. 10, I've Heard an Organ Talk Sometimes 11 Twelve Poems of Emily Dickinson - 12 Poems of Emily Dickinson: No. 11, Going to Heaven! 12 Twelve Poems of Emily Dickinson - 12 Poems of Emily Dickinson: No. 12, The Chariot 13 Seven Epigrams of Emily Dickinson - 7 Epigrams of Emily Dickinson: No. 1, Had I Pleasure You Had Not 14 Seven Epigrams of Emily Dickinson - 7 Epigrams of Emily Dickinson: No. 2, Who Knows Where Our Hearts Go 15 Seven Epigrams of Emily Dickinson - 7 Epigrams of Emily Dickinson: No. 3, I Trust This Sweet May Morning 16 Seven Epigrams of Emily Dickinson - 7 Epigrams of Emily Dickinson: No. 4, We Wouldn't Mind the Sun Dear 17 Seven Epigrams of Emily Dickinson - 7 Epigrams of Emily Dickinson: No. 5, I Am Studying Music Now 18 Seven Epigrams of Emily Dickinson - 7 Epigrams of Emily Dickinson: No. 6, Till It Has Loved 19 Seven Epigrams of Emily Dickinson - 7 Epigrams of Emily Dickinson: No. 7, You Might Not Know I Remembered You 20 To Meet a Flower: No. 1, Whose Are the Little Beds I Asked 21 To Meet a Flower: No. 2, God Made a Little Gentian 22 To Meet a Flower: No. 3, A Northeast Storm 23 A Northeast Storm 24 In Reverence: No. 1, It Is an Honourable Thought 25 In Reverence: No. 2, Lightly Stepped a Yellow Star 26 In Reverence: No. 3, Prayer Is the Little Implement 27 In Reverence: No. 4, Papa Above! 28 In Reverence: No. 5, The Grave My Little Cottage Is 29 Black Cake: A Recipe by Emily Dickinson 30 This Little Rose Listen to full