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Prokofiev: Peter and the Wolf / Saint-Saens: Carnival of the Animals Jeremy Nicholas

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Prokofiev: Peter and the Wolf / Saint-Saens: Carnival of the Animals Jeremy Nicholas Copied to clipboard Failed copying to clipboard
1 I. Introduction et marche royale du lion (Introduction and Royal March of the Lion) 2 II. Poules et Coqs (Hens and Cockerels) 3 III. Hemiones (Wild Asses) 4 IV. Tortues (Tortoises) 5 V. L'Elephant (The Elephant) 6 VI. Kangourous (Kangaroos) 7 VII. Aquarium (Aquarium) 8 VIII. Personnages a longues oreilles (People with Long Ears) 9 IX. Le Coucou au fond des bois (The Cuckoo in the Depths of the Woods) 10 X. Voliere (Aviary) 11 XI. Pianistes (Pianists) 12 XII. Fossiles (Fossils) 13 XIII. Le Cygne (The Swan) 14 XIV. Finale 15 I. Peter in the Meadow 16 II. The Bird 17 III. The Duck 18 IV. The Cat 19 V. Grandfather 20 VI. Peter Does Not Listen 21 VII. Grandfather Takes Peter Home 22 VIII. The Wolf 23 IX. The Cat Climbs the Tree 24 X. The Duck Jumps Out the Pond 25 XI. The Wolf Swallows the Duck 26 XII. The Cat and the Bird in the Trees 27 XIII. The Wolf Prowls in Wait 28 XIV. Peter Takes a Rope and Climbs the Tree 29 XV. He Tells the Bird to Distract the Wolf 30 XVI. Peter Catches the Wolf with a Lasso 31 XVII. The Wolf Tries to Escape 32 XVIII. The Hunters Approach with Their Guns 33 XIX. Peter Suggests They All Take the Wolf to the Zoo 34 XX. They All March Together, Peter, Then the Hunters with the Wolf 35 XXI. And after Them Grandfather, Complaining, and the Cat 36 I. Theme 37 II. Variations (Woodwind) 38 III. Variations (Strings) 39 IV. Variations (Brass) 40 V. Variations (Percussion) 41 VI. Fugue Listen to full