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Home Stretch Miranda Cuckson

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Home Stretch Miranda Cuckson Copied to clipboard Failed copying to clipboard
1 Petite Suite: I. An Opalescent Fantasy 2 Petite Suite: II. Leaping Green 3 Petite Suite: III. Quasi-Lullaby 4 Petite Suite: IV. Roadrunner 5 Duo Concertante (After Cello Concerto No. 2): I. Introduction and Jubilant Light 6 Duo Concertante (After Cello Concerto No. 2): II. Dance of Enveloping Wind and Fire 7 Duo Concertante (After Cello Concerto No. 2): III. The Hills Beyond 8 Duo Concertante (After Cello Concerto No. 2): IV. Acrobatic Lines 9 Piano Trio No. 2: I. Urban Reflections 10 Piano Trio No. 2: II. Pastural Settings, with Thunder 11 Piano Trio No. 2: III. Travelling Spheres 12 Piano Trio No. 2: IV. Home Stretch 13 Sun Music Listen to full