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Wiesler, Manuela: Icelandic Solo Flute Music Manuela Wiesler

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Wiesler, Manuela: Icelandic Solo Flute Music Manuela Wiesler Copied to clipboard Failed copying to clipboard
1 Solitude 2 21 Sounding Minutes: Karlatonar (Sounds of Men) 3 21 Sounding Minutes: Kvennatonar (Sounds of Women) 4 21 Sounding Minutes: Kvoldtonar (Sounds of Evening) 5 21 Sounding Minutes: Safntonar (Sounds of a Museum) 6 21 Sounding Minutes: Snjotonar (Sounds of Snow) 7 21 Sounding Minutes: Himnatonar (Sounds of Heaven) 8 21 Sounding Minutes: Fiskatonar (Sounds of Fish) 9 21 Sounding Minutes: Naeturtonar (Sounds of the Night) 10 21 Sounding Minutes: Fuglatonar (Sounds of Birds) 11 21 Sounding Minutes: Regntonar (Sounds of Rain) 12 21 Sounding Minutes: Blomatonar (Sounds of Flowers) 13 21 Sounding Minutes: Tonatonar (Sounds of Sound) 14 Sonata per Manuela: I. — 15 Sonata per Manuela: II. Adagio 16 Sjoleidin til Bagdad (Sea Route to Baghdad) 17 In Black and White: I. — 18 In Black and White: II. — 19 Til Manuelu (To Manuela) 20 Osloarraell (Reel from Oslo) Listen to full