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Music From The Time Of Christian Iv: Songs and Harpsichord Music Rogers Covey-Crump

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Music From The Time Of Christian Iv: Songs and Harpsichord Music Rogers Covey-Crump Copied to clipboard Failed copying to clipboard
1 Hylas vill intet giffte sig (Hylas does not want to get married) 2 Daphnissis bekymrede Kiaerligheds Tancker (Daphnis' worried thoughts of love) - Daphnissis bekymrede Kiærligheds Tancker (Daphnis' worried thoughts of love) 3 Coridons Klage-Vise (Coridon's lement) 4 Myrtillo Klage-Vise (Myrtillo's lement) 5 Als er guten Bescheid von seiner Damen empfangen 6 Ein Sommerliedlein 7 2nd Book of Songs: I saw my Lady weepe 8 Book of Songs, Book 2: A shepherd in a shade: A shepherd in a shade 9 2nd Book of Songs: Flow my tears (Lachrime) 10 Book of Songs, Book 2: Clear or cloudy sweet as April showering: Cleare and Cloudie sweet as Aprill showring 11 2nd Book of Songs: Sorrow sorrow stay, lend true repentant teares 12 Paduana Lachrymae (after J. Dowland): Paduana Lachrymae 13 Englische Mascarada oder Judentanz in G Minor, WV 108 - Englische Mascarada oder Judentanz 14 Gleichwie das Feuer 15 Daphnis beder sin Galathee … (Daphnis begs his Galathee … ) - Daphnis beder sin Galathee... (Daphnis begs his Galathee...) 16 Jt trofast Hierte gaar for Alting (To know a faithful heart) 17 Dend hojestbedroffuede Daffnissis Hiertesorgelige Klage-Vise (…Dafnis's lament) - Dend hojestbedroffuede Daffnissis Hiertesorgelige Klage-Vise (The very sorrowful Dafnis's heartrending lament) 18 En Dricke-Vise (A Drinking Song) Listen to full