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Sibelius: The Tempest Kirsi Tiihonen

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Sibelius: The Tempest Kirsi Tiihonen Copied to clipboard Failed copying to clipboard
1 Ouverture - The Ship Sinks beneath the Waves 2 Miranda is Lulled into Slumber 3 Ariel Flies on 4 Chorus of the Winds 5 Ariel Hastens Away 6 Ariel - Hietikolle kaymme nain (Come unto these yellow sands) 7 Ariel - Sun isaas' peittavat synkeat veet (Full fadom five father lies) 8 Interlude (Prospero) 9 The Oak Tree Plays the Flute 10 Ariel - Taallaa senkun kuorsataan (While you here do snoring lie) 11 Interlude: Caliban 12 Stephano - En enaa lahde merelle (I shall no more to sea, to sea) 13 Caliban - Hei, Prosperon perkele (Farewell, master; farewell, farewell!) 14 Interlude: Miranda 15 Humoreske 16 Canon - Kurkitaan, urkitaan (Flout'em and cout'em) 17 Antonio. Dance of the Shapes 18 Ariel as Harpy - Melodrama 19 The Shapes Dance Out (Ballet II) 20 Intermezzo (Alonso mourns) 21 Ariel Flies In 22 Ariel - Ennen kuin ehdit huokaamaan (Before you can say 'come') 23 The Rainbow 24 Iris's Melodrama 25 Juno - Kuunia ja vaurautta (Honour, riches, marriage-blessing) 26 Dance of the Naiads 27 Dance of the Harvesters 28 Ariel Flies In 29 Ariel Hastens Away 30 Ariel Flies In 31 The Dogs 33 Ariel Brings the Foes to Prespero 34 Ariel - Ma metta janooni juoda saan (Where the bee sucks, there suck I) 35 Cortege 36 Epilogue Listen to full