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Aho: Symphonies Nos. 2 and 7 Lahti Symphony Orchestra

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Aho: Symphonies Nos. 2 and 7 Lahti Symphony Orchestra Copied to clipboard Failed copying to clipboard
1 Symphony No. 2: Adagio - Poco più mosso - Presto - Poco più mosso - Poco meno mosso - Crochet = 108 2 Symphony No. 7, "Hyonteissinfonia" (Insect Symphony): I. Kulkuri, loispistiainen jas sen toukka (The Tramp, the Parasitic Hymenopter and its Larva) 3 Symphony No. 7, "Hyonteissinfonia" (Insect Symphony): II. Perhoset (Perhosten foxtrot ja tango) (The Butterflies (The Foxtrot and Tango of the Butterflies)) 4 Symphony No. 7, "Hyonteissinfonia" (Insect Symphony): III. Sittiaiset (Suru varaustetusta sontapallosta) (The Dung Beetles (Grief over the Stolen Ball of Dung)) 5 Symphony No. 7, "Hyonteissinfonia" (Insect Symphony): IV. Heinasirkat (The Grasshoppers) 6 Symphony No. 7, "Hyonteissinfonia" (Insect Symphony): V. Muurahaiset (Muurahaisten tyomusiikki ja sotamarssit I ja II) (The Ants (The Working Music of the Ants and War Marches I and II)) 7 Symphony No. 7, "Hyonteissinfonia" (Insect Symphony): VI. Paivankorennot tanssi ja kehtolaulu juoleille paivankorennoille (The Dayflies and Lullaby for the Dead Dayflies) Listen to full