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Gubaidulina: In The Mirror - 3 Works, 3 Genres, 3 Epochs Vladimir Kozhukhar

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Gubaidulina: In The Mirror - 3 Works, 3 Genres, 3 Epochs Vladimir Kozhukhar Copied to clipboard Failed copying to clipboard
1 Piano Quintet: I. Allegro 2 Piano Quintet: II. Andante marciale 3 Piano Quintet: III. Larghetto sensibile 4 Piano Quintet: IV. Presto 5 Introitus: Introitus: Concerto for Piano and Chamber Orchestra 6 Tantsovshchik na kanate (Dancer on a Tightrope) - Tantsovshchik na kanate (Dancer on a Tightrope, Der Seiltanzer) Listen to full