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Japanese Art Songs Yoshikazu Mera

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Japanese Art Songs Yoshikazu Mera Copied to clipboard Failed copying to clipboard
1 4 Songs from the Poems of Matinee Poetique: Cherry Blossoms Lane 2 Aiyan no uta (Song of Aiyan): I. NOSKAI 3 Aiyan no uta (Song of Aiyan): II. Rabbit-Ear Irides 4 Aiyan no uta (Song of Aiyan): III. Song of AIYAN 5 Aiyan no uta (Song of Aiyan): IV. Higanbana (Amaryllises) 6 Aiyan no uta (Song of Aiyan): V. Caprice 7 6 Songs for Children: I. The Weasel 8 6 Songs for Children: II. Gourds 9 6 Songs for Children: III. Autumn Fields 10 6 Songs for Children: IV. Saury Fish 11 6 Songs for Children: V. Karariko 12 6 Songs for Children: VI. The Snow Maiden 13 Uguisu (Nightingale) 14 Japanese Flute: I. Ina 15 Japanese Flute: II. Sailing Out 16 Japanese Flute: III. Yanshichi of Yabe 17 4 Songs of Dusk: I. Dusk is a huge book… 18 4 Songs of Dusk: II. Who turns the light off… 19 4 Songs of Dusk: III. In the next room with nobody in... 20 4 Songs of Dusk: IV. For the night to receive the dead… 21 Cherry Blossoms Lane Listen to full