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Nordheim: Complete Violin Music Mats Claesson

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Nordheim: Complete Violin Music Mats Claesson Copied to clipboard Failed copying to clipboard
1 Violin Concerto 2 Duplex (version for violin and cello): Energico 3 Duplex (version for violin and cello): Fluente 4 Duplex (version for violin and cello): Lento cantando - Energico 5 Partita fur Paul: Tanze, du Ungeheuer, zu meinem sanften Lied 6 Partita fur Paul: Schwankendes Gleichgewicht 7 Partita fur Paul: Schwebendes (vor dem Anstieg) 8 Partita fur Paul: Harpia, Harpiana 9 Partita fur Paul: Individualisierte Hohenmessung der lagen Listen to full