1Gör porten hög, gör dörren bred: Gor porten hog, gor dorren bred (Make high the gates, make wide the doors)2När det lider mot jul: Nar det lider mot jul (Christmas drews nigh)3Jul, jul, strålande jul: Jul, jul, stralande jul (Christmas, Radiant Christmas)4Nalkas den signande juletiden (Blessed Christmas Draws Nigh)5Hosianna6Judas Maccabaeus, HWV 63: Dotter Sion, fröjda dig (Daughter of Sion, Rejoice) (Sung in Swedish): Dotter Sion, frojda dig (Daughter of Sion, Rejoice)7Advent: Advent (Text: Paul Nilsson)8Sankta Lucia: Sankta Lucia (Saint Lucia)9Lucia10Stig in Lucia, stig in (Come in, Lucia, come in)11Staffansvisa I (Staffan's Song) (arr. D. Hellden) - Staffansvisa I (Staffan´s Song)12Staffansvisa II (Staffan's Song) (arr. D. Hellden) - Staffansvisa II (Staffan´s Song)13Staffansvisa III (Staffan's Song) (arr. L. Lunden) - Staffansvisa III (Staffan´s Song)14Maria gar i tornesnar (Mary Wanders among the Briars)15Goder afton (Good Evening)16Psallite17Nu stige jublets ton (Now the Sound of Rejoic.e Rises) (arr. D. Wikander) - Nu stige jublets ton (Now the Sound of Rejoice Rises) (arr. D. Wikander)18Barnet det sover i stallets vra (The Child Sleeps in the Corner of the Stable) (arr. H. Lang) - Barnet det sover i stallets vra (The Child Sleeps in the Corner of the Stable)19Julsang (Christmas Song)20Juldagsmorgonen (Christmas Morning)21Look! Shepherds of Bethlehem22Adeste fideles (O Come All Ye Faithful): O Come, All Ye Faithful23The Shepherds came24Förunderligt och märkligt: Hymns and Sacred Songs, FS 83: No. 1. Forunderligt och markligt (Wonderful and strange) (originally as Forunderligt at sige) (Strange to say25Det är en ros utsprungen: Det ar en ros utsprungen (Behold a Rose is springing)26Stille natt (Stille Nacht, Silent Night): Den heliga natten (Stille Nacht, Silent Night)27Betlehems stjarna (Star of Bethlehem)Listen to full