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Swedish Christmas Songs Eva Svanholm Bohlin

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Swedish Christmas Songs Eva Svanholm Bohlin Copied to clipboard Failed copying to clipboard
1 Gör porten hög, gör dörren bred: Gor porten hog, gor dorren bred (Make high the gates, make wide the doors) 2 När det lider mot jul: Nar det lider mot jul (Christmas drews nigh) 3 Jul, jul, strålande jul: Jul, jul, stralande jul (Christmas, Radiant Christmas) 4 Nalkas den signande juletiden (Blessed Christmas Draws Nigh) 5 Hosianna 6 Judas Maccabaeus, HWV 63: Dotter Sion, fröjda dig (Daughter of Sion, Rejoice) (Sung in Swedish): Dotter Sion, frojda dig (Daughter of Sion, Rejoice) 7 Advent: Advent (Text: Paul Nilsson) 8 Sankta Lucia: Sankta Lucia (Saint Lucia) 9 Lucia 10 Stig in Lucia, stig in (Come in, Lucia, come in) 11 Staffansvisa I (Staffan's Song) (arr. D. Hellden) - Staffansvisa I (Staffan´s Song) 12 Staffansvisa II (Staffan's Song) (arr. D. Hellden) - Staffansvisa II (Staffan´s Song) 13 Staffansvisa III (Staffan's Song) (arr. L. Lunden) - Staffansvisa III (Staffan´s Song) 14 Maria gar i tornesnar (Mary Wanders among the Briars) 15 Goder afton (Good Evening) 16 Psallite 17 Nu stige jublets ton (Now the Sound of Rejoic.e Rises) (arr. D. Wikander) - Nu stige jublets ton (Now the Sound of Rejoice Rises) (arr. D. Wikander) 18 Barnet det sover i stallets vra (The Child Sleeps in the Corner of the Stable) (arr. H. Lang) - Barnet det sover i stallets vra (The Child Sleeps in the Corner of the Stable) 19 Julsang (Christmas Song) 20 Juldagsmorgonen (Christmas Morning) 21 Look! Shepherds of Bethlehem 22 Adeste fideles (O Come All Ye Faithful): O Come, All Ye Faithful 23 The Shepherds came 24 Förunderligt och märkligt: Hymns and Sacred Songs, FS 83: No. 1. Forunderligt och markligt (Wonderful and strange) (originally as Forunderligt at sige) (Strange to say 25 Det är en ros utsprungen: Det ar en ros utsprungen (Behold a Rose is springing) 26 Stille natt (Stille Nacht, Silent Night): Den heliga natten (Stille Nacht, Silent Night) 27 Betlehems stjarna (Star of Bethlehem) Listen to full