1Suite for Skip and Sadie: I. Introduction2Suite for Skip and Sadie: II. Good Morning3Suite for Skip and Sadie: III. Sadie's Waltz4Suite for Skip and Sadie: IV. Skip's Dance5Suite for Skip and Sadie: V. Good Night6Partridge Pie: I. Introduction7Partridge Pie: II. A Partridge in a Pear Tree8Partridge Pie: III. Two Turtledoves9Partridge Pie: IV. Three French Hens10Partridge Pie: V. Four Calling Birds11Partridge Pie: VI. Five Gold Rings12Partridge Pie: VII. Six Geese a-Laying13Partridge Pie: VIII. Seven Swans a-Swimming14Partridge Pie: IX. Eight Maids a-Milking15Partridge Pie: X. Nine Drummers Drumming16Partridge Pie: XI. Ten Pipers Piping17Partridge Pie: XII. Eleven Ladies Dancing18Partridge Pie: XIII. Twelve Lords a-Leaping197 Days a Week: I. Introduction207 Days a Week: II. Monday217 Days a Week: III. Tuesday227 Days a Week: IV. Wednesday237 Days a Week: V. Thursday247 Days a Week: VI. Friday257 Days a Week: VII. Saturday267 Days a Week: VIII. Sunday27A Week of Birthdays: I. Introduction28A Week of Birthdays: II. Monday's Child29A Week of Birthdays: III. Tuesday's Child30A Week of Birthdays: IV. Wednesday's Child31A Week of Birthdays: V. Thursday's Child32A Week of Birthdays: VI. Friday's Child33A Week of Birthdays: VII. Saturday's Child34A Week of Birthdays: VIII. Sunday's Child35Duets for Children: Introduction36Duets for Children: No. 1. The Music Lesson: Andantino37Duets for Children: No. 2. The 3-Legged Race: Vivo38Duets for Children: No. 3. The Silent Lake: Adagio39Duets for Children: No. 4. Pony Trap: Gaiamente40Duets for Children: No. 5. Ghosts: Largo41Duets for Children: No. 6. Hop-scotch42Duets for Children: No. 7. Swing-boats: Giocoso deliberamente43Duets for Children: No. 8. Song at Dusk: Larghetto44Duets for Children: No. 9. Puppet's Dance: Allegro45Duets for Children: No. 10. Trumpet Tune: Alla marciaListen to full