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Joyous Day! Barlow Bradford

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1 Angels We Have Heard on High (arr. B. Bradford) 2 Infant holy, Infant Lowly (arr. B. Bradford) 3 On Christmas Night, "Sussex Carol" (arr. B. Bradford) 4 Still, still, still (arr. B. Bradford) 5 I Wonder as I Wander (arr. B. Bradford) 6 Pat-a-pan (arr. B. Bradford) 7 Star Candles (arr. B. Bradford) 8 Jesus, Jesus Rest Your Head (arr. B. Bradford) 9 Bring a Torch, Jeanette, Isabella (arr. B. Bradford) 10 Suo Gan (arr. B. Bradford) 11 Carol of the Bells (arr. B. Bradford) 12 Silent Night (arr. B. Bradford) Listen to full