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Bain: Sounding Number Reginald Bain

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1 The Music of the Primes 2 The Butterfly Effect 3 Chaos Game (For Nancarrow) 4 God Does Not Play Dice!: I. The Uncertainty Principle 5 God Does Not Play Dice!: II. Schrodinger's Cat 6 God Does Not Play Dice!: III. Sum Over Histories 7 When Inspiration Came 8 The Language of the Angels: I. Whether one angel talks to another 9 The Language of the Angels: II. Whether a lower angel speaks to a higher one 10 The Language of the Angels: III. Whether an angel talks to God 11 The Language of the Angels: IV. Whether distance has any effect on the angels's speech - Whether all the angels know what one says to another 12 Strange Attractors and Logarithmic Spirals 13 Pi Day Listen to full