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Emad Sayyah: Modern Bellydance From Lebanon Emad Sayyah

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Emad Sayyah: Modern Bellydance From Lebanon Emad Sayyah Copied to clipboard Failed copying to clipboard
1 Nihna Baladna (Our Home Country): Nihna Baladna 2 Ma Ajmal Beirut (Beirut is so beautiful!) 3 Al Marjouha (On the swing) 4 Laylat Raks (The Night of the Belly Dance Music) 5 El Bint el Libnaniyye (Ah! That Lebanese Girl!) 6 Ma 'Zoufat Semiramis (The Music of Semiramis) 7 Darbek Darbek (Play the Darbukka): Darbek Darbek 8 Raks Fil Ghaba (Bellydance in the Jungle) 9 Awwel Marra ou Akher Marra 10 Li Jamal Cleopatra (To the Beauty of Cleopatra) 11 Illi Bhibbak (Tell me, Ilove you): Illi Bhibbak 12 Tabbel Tabbel Listen to full