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Best of Bellydance Hossam Ramzy Egyptian Ensemble

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Best of Bellydance Hossam Ramzy Egyptian Ensemble Copied to clipboard Failed copying to clipboard
1 Aziza 2 Dert Ortagim Benim 3 Min Aboukra L'Ashiye 4 Ghannili Sheway Sheway 5 Saiedeh (Happiest) (arr. A.R. Jarche): Saiedeh (Happiest) 6 Raksah Iskandarani 7 Ma'zoufat al wouroud 8 Gazal 9 Sahara Groove 10 Söyleyin Yildizlar Sevgilim Nerde: Soyleyin yildizlar sevgilim nerde 11 Li Jamal Cleopatra (To the Beauty of Cleopatra) 12 El Hayah Helwa (Life is so beautiful) Listen to full