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Byrd: My Ladye Nevells Booke (1591) (Complete) Elizabeth Farr

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Byrd: My Ladye Nevells Booke (1591) (Complete) Elizabeth Farr Copied to clipboard Failed copying to clipboard
1 My Ladye Nevels Grownde 2 Qui passe for my Lady Nevell, P. 19: Qui Passe, "for my ladye nevell" 3 The Marche before the Battell 4 The Battell: I. The souldiers sommons 5 The Battell: II. The marche of footemen 6 The Battell: III. The marche of horsmen 7 The Battell: IV. The trumpetts 8 The Battell: V. The Irishe marche 9 The Battell: VI. The bagpipe and the drone 10 The Battell: VII. The flute and the droome 11 The Battell: VIII. The marche to the fighte 12 The Battell: IX. The retreat 13 The Galliarde for the Victorie 14 My Ladye Nevells Booke: The Barelye Breake 15 A Galliards Gygge 16 The Huntes upp 17 Ut re mi fa sol la in G Major (Musica Britannica, Vol. 28, No. 64): Ut, re, mi, fa, sol, la 18 The Firste Pavian 19 The Galliarde to the Firste Pavian 20 The Seconde Pavian 21 The Galliarde to the Seconde Pavian 22 The Third Pavian 23 The Galliarde to the Third Pavian 1 The Fourth Pavian 2 The Galliarde to the Fourth Pavian 3 The Fifte Pavian 4 The Galliarde to the Fifte Pavian 5 Pavana the Sixte, "Kinbrugh Goodd" 6 The Galliarde to the Sixte Pavian 7 The Seventh Pavian 8 The Eighte Pavian 9 The Passinge Mesures, "The Nynthe Pavian" 10 The Galliarde to the Nynthe Pavian 11 A Voluntarie, "For my ladye nevell" 12 Will Yow Walke the Woods soe Wylde 13 The Maydens Song 14 A Lesson of Voluntarie 15 The Second Grownde 1 Have with Yow to Walsingame 2 All in a garden green: All in a Garden Grine 3 Lord Willobies Welcome Home 4 The Carman's Whistle: The Carmans Whistle 5 Hugh Aston's Ground: Hughe Ashtons Grownde 6 A Fancie 7 Sellinger's Round: Sellingers Rownde 8 Munsers Alman 9 Pavan and Galliard No. 2 in G Minor, "Sir William Petre": The Tennthe Pavian, "Mr. W. Peter" 10 The Galliarde to the Tenneth Pavian 11 A Fancie 12 A Voluntarie (Musica Britannica, Vol. 27, No. 27): A Voluntarie Listen to full