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Karlowicz, M.: Symphonic Poems, Vol. 2 - Powracajace Fale / Smutna Opowiesc / Odwieczne Piesni Antoni Wit

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Karlowicz, M.: Symphonic Poems, Vol. 2 - Powracajace Fale / Smutna Opowiesc / Odwieczne Piesni Antoni Wit Copied to clipboard Failed copying to clipboard
1 Powracajace fale (Returning Waves), Op. 9 2 Smutna opowiesc, "Preludia do wiecznosci" (A Sorrowful Tale, "Preludes to Eternity"), Op. 13 3 Odwieczne piesni (Eternal Songs), Op. 10: I. Piesn o wiekuistej tesknocie (Song of Eternal Longing) 4 Odwieczne piesni (Eternal Songs), Op. 10: II. Piesn o milosci i o smierci (Song of Love and Death) 5 Odwieczne piesni (Eternal Songs), Op. 10: III. Piesn o wszechbycie (Song of Eternity) Listen to full