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Part: Music for Unaccompanied Choir The Elora Singers

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Part: Music for Unaccompanied Choir The Elora Singers Copied to clipboard Failed copying to clipboard
1 Triodion: I. Introduction: ad libitum - Ode I: O Jesus the Son of God, Have Mercy upon Us 2 Triodion: II. Ode II: O Most Holy Birth-giver of God, Save Us 3 Triodion: III. Ode III: O Holy Saint Nicholas, Pray to God for Us - Coda: ad libitum 4 Tribute to Caesar 5 Nunc dimittis 6 Kanon Pokajanen: Kanon Pokajanen: Ode VII: Memento 7 I am the true vine 8 The Woman with the Alabaster Box 9 Dopo la vittoria: Dopo la vittoria (After the Victory) 10 Bogoróditse Djévo (Live): Bogoroditse Djevo (Mother of God and Virgin) Listen to full