1Karelia, JS 115 (completed and reconstructed by J. Kaipainen): Overture2Karelia, JS 115 (completed and reconstructed by J. Kaipainen): Tableau 1: Runic Song: Oi Ukko, ylijumala (completed and reconstructed by J. Kaipainen)3Karelia, JS 115 (completed and reconstructed by J. Kaipainen): Tableau 2: The Founding of Viipuri Castle (completed and reconstructed by J. Kaipainen)4Karelia, JS 115 (completed and reconstructed by J. Kaipainen): Tableau 3: Narimont, the Duke of Lithuania, levying taxes in the Province of Kakisalmi (completed and reconstructed by J. Kaipainen)5Karelia, JS 115 (completed and reconstructed by J. Kaipainen): Intermezzo6Karelia, JS 115 (completed and reconstructed by J. Kaipainen): Tableau 4: Ballade: Hall om en afton da rim faller pa, I biden mig val!7Karelia, JS 115 (completed and reconstructed by J. Kaipainen): Tableau 5: Pontus de la Gardie at the Gates of Kakisalmi (completed and reconstructed by J. Kaipainen)8Karelia, JS 115 (completed and reconstructed by J. Kaipainen): Intermezzo: Alla marcia9Karelia, JS 115 (completed and reconstructed by J. Kaipainen): Tableau 6: The Siege of Viipuri (completed and reconstructed by J. Kaipainen)10Karelia, JS 115 (completed and reconstructed by J. Kaipainen): Tableau 7: The Reunion of Old Finland (Karelia) with the Rest of Finland - Tableau 8: Oi, maamme Suomi, synnyinmaa (completed and reconstructed by J. Kaipainen)11Musiikkia Sanomalehdiston paivien juhlanaytantoon (Press Celebrations Music), JS 137: Preludio12Musiikkia Sanomalehdiston paivien juhlanaytantoon (Press Celebrations Music), JS 137: Tableau 1: Vainamoinen ilahdutta laulullaan luontoa, Kalevan ja Pohjolan kansaa (The Song of Vainamoinen)13Musiikkia Sanomalehdiston paivien juhlanaytantoon (Press Celebrations Music), JS 137: Tableau 2: Suomalaisia kastetaan (The Finns are Baptised)14Musiikkia Sanomalehdiston paivien juhlanaytantoon (Press Celebrations Music), JS 137: Tableau 3: Juhana Herttuan hovista (Duke John at Turku Castle)15Musiikkia Sanomalehdiston paivien juhlanaytantoon (Press Celebrations Music), JS 137: Tableau 4: Suomalaiset 30-vuotisessa sodassa (The Finns in Thirty Years War)16Musiikkia Sanomalehdiston paivien juhlanaytantoon (Press Celebrations Music), JS 137: Tableau 5: Isonvihan aikana (The Great Hostility)17Musiikkia Sanomalehdiston paivien juhlanaytantoon (Press Celebrations Music), JS 137: Tableau 6: Suomi heraa (Finland Awakes)Listen to full