1Sleepflower (Remastered)2From Despair to Where (Remastered)3La Tristesse Durera (Scream to a Sigh) (Remastered)4Yourself (Remastered)5Life Becoming a Landslide (Remastered)6Drug Drug Druggy (Remastered)7Roses in the Hospital (Remastered)8Nostalgic Pushead (Remastered)9Symphony of Tourette (Remastered)10Gold Against the Soul (Remastered)11Donkeys (Remastered)12Comfort Comes (Remastered)13Are Mothers Saints (Remastered)14Patrick Bateman (Remastered)15Hibernation (Remastered)16Us Against You (Remastered)17Charles Windsor (Remastered)18Wrote for Luck (Remastered)19What's My Name (Live) [Remastered]20Sleepflower (House in the Woods Demo) [Remastered]21From Despair to Where (House in the Woods Demo) [Remastered]22La Tristesse Durera (Scream to a Sigh) (House in the Woods Demo) [Remastered]23Yourself (Live in Bangkok) [Remastered]24Life Becoming a Landslide (House in the Woods Demo) [Remastered]25Drug Drug Druggy (House in the Woods Demo) [Remastered]26Drug Drug Druggy (Impact Demo) [Remastered]27Roses in the Hospital (House in the Woods Demo) [Remastered]28Roses in the Hospital (Impact Demo) [Remastered]29Nostalgic Pushead (House in the Woods Demo) [Remastered]30Symphony of Tourette (House in the Woods Demo) [Remastered]31Gold Against the Soul (House in the Woods Demo) [Remastered]32Roses in the Hospital (OG Psychovocal Remix) [Remastered]33Roses in the Hospital (51 Funk Salute) [Remastered]34La Tristesse Durera (Scream to a Sigh) (Chemical Brothers Vocal Remix)35Roses in the Hospital (Filet O Gang Remix) [Remastered]36Roses in the Hospital (ECG Remix) [Remastered]Listen to full