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I Saw Eternity The Elora Singers

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1 Missa Pax: Missa Pax: Gloria 2 I saw eternity 3 Nunc Dimittis 4 Missa Brevis: Kyrie 5 Missa Brevis: Gloria 6 Missa Brevis: Sanctus - Hosanna - Benedictus 7 Missa Brevis: Agnus Dei 8 To See the Cherry Hung with Snow 9 Bring Us, O Lord God 10 Let All Mortal Flesh Keep Silence 11 Flying Swans 12 Bless the Lord for the Good Land 13 Ritchot Mass: Agnus Dei (version for chorus and piano) 14 Psalm 23, "The Lord Is My Shepherd" 15 2 Rossetti Songs: 2 Rossetti Songs: No. 2. Remember Listen to full