1Beckwith documentary produced and presented by Eitan Cornfield: Beginning2Beckwith documentary produced and presented by Eitan Cornfield: Farewell to Nova Scotia3Beckwith documentary produced and presented by Eitan Cornfield: Throughout John Beckwith's childhood4Beckwith documentary produced and presented by Eitan Cornfield: Unlikely as it might sound today5Beckwith documentary produced and presented by Eitan Cornfield: He's been a mentor and a great friend6Beckwith documentary produced and presented by Eitan Cornfield: He likes to have consistency and routine7Beckwith documentary produced and presented by Eitan Cornfield: As a composer who came of age in the 1960s8Beckwith documentary produced and presented by Eitan Cornfield: Susan Sontag said nostlagia is a meager emotion9Beckwith documentary produced and presented by Eitan Cornfield: Listening to works like Harp of David1The Trumpets of Summer: Prologue: The world's a theatre2The Trumpets of Summer: Children's Song: Run, run, run, see Dick and Jane run3The Trumpets of Summer: The High School Play: All the world's a stage4The Trumpets of Summer: Ladies and Gentlemen on Opening Night: O ladies, o ladies, so tender and fair5The Trumpets of Summer: A Theoretical Discussion: Here all the learned and authentic fellows6The Trumpets of Summer: Epilogue: Tomorrow and tomorrow and tomorrow7Taking a Stand8Synthetic Trios: I. —9Synthetic Trios: II. —10Synthetic Trios: III. —11Synthetic Trios: IV. —12Synthetic Trios: V. —13Synthetic Trios: VI. —14Synthetic Trios: VII. —15Stacey: At the day of judgement…16Stacey: Okay, God, say what you like…17Stacey: Once it seemed almost violent, this music…18Stacey: I don't want anyone else bringing up my kids19Stacey: Dear Lord and Father of mankind20Stacey: I used to think there would be a blinding flash…Listen to full