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The Mystical Violin Between the 19th Century and the 20th Roberto Noferini

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The Mystical Violin Between the 19th Century and the 20th Roberto Noferini Copied to clipboard Failed copying to clipboard
1 Passa il natale 2 Piccola pastorale 3 Offertorio 4 Clamavi ad te domine 5 Cavatine, Op. 125 6 Preludio 7 Melodia 8 Venite adoremus 9 Berceuse 10 Augurio nuziale 11 Pensiero elegiaco e scherzetto 12 Benedizione nuziale 13 Ave Maria 14 Nella chiesetta, Op. 21 15 Adagio 16 Aria 17 Andante 18 Suonatina per l'elevazione Listen to full