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Four Temperaments PHANTASM

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Four Temperaments PHANTASM Copied to clipboard Failed copying to clipboard
1 A Solfing Song 2 Queen's Goodnight (Prelude and Ground) 3 A Song of Mr Robert Parsons 4 In nomine II a 4 5 In nomine III a 5 6 De la court 7 Pavan a 5 8 Missa a 4: I. Kyrie 9 In nomine II a 5 10 Missa a 4: II. Gloria 11 In nomine I a 4 12 Missa a 4: III. Credo 13 In nomine I a 5 14 Missa a 4: IV. Sanctus 15 In nomine III a 5 b 16 Missa a 4: V. Agnus dei 17 Ut re mi fa sol la 18 Fantasia a 4 19 Pavan a 6 20 Galliard a 6 21 A Song Called Trumpets 22 Sur la Rosée (Fantasia a 6) Listen to full