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John Adams: My Father Knew Charles Ives & Harmonielehre Nashville Symphony, Giancarlo Guerrero

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John Adams: My Father Knew Charles Ives & Harmonielehre Nashville Symphony, Giancarlo Guerrero Copied to clipboard Failed copying to clipboard
1 My Father Knew Charles Ives: I. Concord Giancarlo Guerrero 2 My Father Knew Charles Ives: II. The Lake Giancarlo Guerrero 3 My Father Knew Charles Ives: III. The Mountain Giancarlo Guerrero 4 Harmonielehre: I. — Giancarlo Guerrero 5 Harmonielehre: II. The Anfortas Wound Giancarlo Guerrero 6 Harmonielehre: III. Meister Eckhardt and Quackie Giancarlo Guerrero Listen to full