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Foursight - The Complete Stockholm Tapes Ron Carter

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Foursight - The Complete Stockholm Tapes Ron Carter Copied to clipboard Failed copying to clipboard
1 595 2 Mr. Bow Tie 3 Flamenco Sketches 4 Seven Steps to Heaven 5 You Are My Sunshine 6 Mr. Bow Tie (Reprise) 7 My Funny Valentine 8 You and the Night and the Music 9 Cominando Renee RosnesJimmy GreenePayton Crossley 10 Joshua Renee RosnesJimmy GreenePayton Crossley 11 Little Waltz Renee RosnesJimmy GreenePayton Crossley 12 Seguaro Renee RosnesJimmy GreenePayton Crossley 13 Cominando, Reprise Renee RosnesJimmy GreenePayton Crossley 14 Nearly Renee RosnesJimmy GreenePayton Crossley 15 You and the Night and the Music Renee RosnesJimmy GreenePayton Crossley Listen to full