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Olivier Messiaen: Quartet for the End of Time; Kurt Rohde: one wing Left Coast Chamber Ensemble

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Olivier Messiaen: Quartet for the End of Time; Kurt Rohde: one wing Left Coast Chamber Ensemble Copied to clipboard Failed copying to clipboard
1 Quartet for the End of Time: 1. Liturgie de cristal (Crystal Liturgy) 2 Quartet for the End of Time: 2. Vocalise, pour l’ange qui annonce la fin du temps (Vocalise, for the Angel who announces the end of time) 3 Quartet for the End of Time: 3. Abîme des oiseaux (Abyss of the birds) 4 Quartet for the End of Time: 4. Intermède (Interval) 5 Quartet for the End of Time: 5. Louange à l’éternité de Jésus (Praise to the eternity of Jesus) 6 Quartet for the End of Time: 6. Danse de la fureur, pour les sept trompettes (Dance of fury, for the seven trumpets) 7 Quartet for the End of Time: 7. Fouillis d’arcs-en-ciel, pour l’ange qui annonce la fin du temps(Tangle of rainbows, for the Angel who announces the end of time) 8 Quartet for the End of Time: 8. Louange à l’immortalité de Jésus (Praise to the immortality of Jesus) 9 one wing Eric Zivian Listen to full