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Hymns of Kassianí Alexander Lingas

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Hymns of Kassianí Alexander Lingas Copied to clipboard Failed copying to clipboard
1 Lamplighting Psalms: Mode 2 "Lord I Have Cried" (Arr. I. Arvanitis) 2 Stíchera prosómoia of Christmas, Set 1 (Arr. I. Arvanitis) 3 Stíchera prosómoia of Christmas, Set 2 (Arr. I. Arvanitis) 4 Doxastikón of Great Vespers of Christmas Day "When Augustus Reigned" (Arr. I. Arvanitis) 5 Idiómelon from Great Vespers on the Eve of the Sunday of the Publican and the Pharisee (Arr. I. Arvanitis) 6 Tetraódion for Great and Holy Saturday (Arr. I. Arvanitis): Ode 1 - Ode 3 7 Idiómelon from Matins for the Sunday of the Pharisee and the Publican (Arr. I. Arvanitis) 8 Tetraódion for Great and Holy Saturday (Arr. I. Arvanitis): Ode 4 - Ode 5 9 At Great and Holy Wednesday at Matins "Lord, the Woman Found in Many Sins" (Arr. I. Arvanitis) 10 Kálophonic stícheron "Lord, the Woman Found in Many Sins" (Arr. I. Arvanitis) Listen to full