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Sergio Cervetti: Keyboard3 Sergio Cervetti

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Sergio Cervetti: Keyboard3 Sergio Cervetti Copied to clipboard Failed copying to clipboard
1 3 Estudios Australes: No. 1.Sangre en Flor en las Malvinas (Young Blood in the Falklands) 2 3 Estudios Australes: No. 2. El Agujero en el Cielo de la Antartida (The Hole in the Sky of the Antarctic) 3 3 Estudios Australes: No. 3. Las Nubes de Magallanes (The Magellan Clouds) 4 Alberada 5 Hard Rock 6 Candombe I 7 7 Farewells to Paradise: No. 1. 'O Adam, ('O Allen) one Almighty Is, from whom all things proceed 8 7 Farewells to Paradise: No. 2. A happy rural seat of various view 9 7 Farewells to Paradise: No. 3. Under a tuft of shade that on a green stood whispering soft 10 7 Farewells to Paradise: No. 4. Him the Almighty Power hurled headlong flaming from the ethereal sky 11 7 Farewells to Paradise: No. 5. Wave rolling after wave 12 7 Farewells to Paradise: No. 6. Then wilt thou not be loath to leave this Paradise 13 7 Farewells to Paradise: No. 7. Passacaglia: They hand in hand … through EDEN took their solitary way 14 In Principio Erat Verbum Listen to full