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Julius Eastman, Vol. 1: Femenine wild Up, Christopher Rountree

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Julius Eastman, Vol. 1: Femenine wild Up, Christopher Rountree Copied to clipboard Failed copying to clipboard
1 Femenine: No. 1, Prime Christopher Rountree 2 Femenine: No. 2, Unison Christopher Rountree 3 Femenine: No. 3, Create New Pattern Christopher Rountree 4 Femenine: No. 4, Hold and Return Christopher Rountree 5 Femenine: No. 5, All Changing Christopher Rountree 6 Femenine: No. 6, Increase Christopher Rountree 7 Femenine: No. 7, Eb Christopher Rountree 8 Femenine: No. 8, Be Thou My Vision (Mao Melodies) Christopher Rountree 9 Femenine: No. 9, Can Melt Christopher Rountree 10 Femenine: No. 10, Pianist Will Interrupt Must Return Christopher Rountree Listen to full