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Golden Bough: Songs of Scotland Golden Bough

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Golden Bough: Songs of Scotland Golden Bough Copied to clipboard Failed copying to clipboard
1 Wheel of fortune - East Neuk of fife 2 Caledonia 3 The gypsy laddie 4 Aye, waukin' o 5 The Highland Soldier 6 Ladies' evening song 7 Laird's favorite - The picnic reel - Traditional reel 8 Ye Banks and Braes o' Bonnie Doon 9 Kilbogie 10 Hey, How, My Johnie Lad - Hey Ca' Thro' 11 Lizzie Lindsay - Miss Maule's Waltz 12 Donal Og 13 Sixteen Come Sunday - Golden Penny 14 Zingaro Listen to full