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As At First Adam Sherkin

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1 German Promises: I. Expectation (Erwartung 2 German Promises: II. Gathering (Mundung) 3 German Promises: III. Fluency (Gewandtheit) 4 German Promises: IV. Heyday (Glanzzeit) 5 German Promises: V. Misstep (Unfall) 6 Amadeus A.D. 7 Daycurrents 8 As At First: I. Speed Trace 9 As At First: II. Echoes and Acorns 10 As At First: III. The Denim Ghost 11 3 Preludes: No. 1. Breach 12 3 Preludes: No. 2. Impasse 13 3 Preludes: No. 3. Eclipse 14 3 Meditations: No. 1. Splendours and Dripsies 15 3 Meditations: No. 2. River Run 16 3 Meditations: No. 3. Autumn Tango 17 Sunderance: Part I 18 Sunderance: Part II 19 Sunderance: Part III Listen to full