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Musiques d'Alep Wajd Ensemble

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Musiques d'Alep Wajd Ensemble Copied to clipboard Failed copying to clipboard
1 Saz samaisi muhayyer kurdi 2 Hibbi Zurni 3 Ya Gazal 4 Lam Yakon Hajri 5 Qanun Improvisation 6 Ya Naesa Alajfann 7 Dhal Ahyafo Almojab 8 Khadouka Alnadi 9 Ya Nasmtan men souadi 10 Alouyoun Alnarjisea 11 Oud Improvisation 12 Haya Wa Nadim 13 Ader Rahaty 14 Dhikr 15 Wa Alish 16 Qamaron - Bilahi 17 Qudoud Hijaz - Ney Improvisation Listen to full