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Love Is Strange, Works for Lute Consort (Alpha Collection) Le Poème Harmonique, Vincent Dumestre

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Love Is Strange, Works for Lute Consort (Alpha Collection) Le Poème Harmonique, Vincent Dumestre Copied to clipboard Failed copying to clipboard
1 Wakefilde on a Green Vincent Dumestre 2 Dorick Prelude Benjamin Perrot 3 Decrevi Vincent DumestreMassimo MoscardoBenjamin PerrotJean-Luc Tamby 4 Callinoe Jean-Luc TambyBenjamin Perrot 5 Ut re mi fa sol la Eric BellocqMassimo MoscardoBenjamin Perrot 6 Twenty Waies Upon the Bells Eric BellocqMassimo MoscardoBenjamin PerrotJean-Luc Tamby 7 Irish Toy 8 Sellengers Ronnde Vincent Dumestre 9 Green Sleeves Jean-Luc TambyBenjamin PerrotVincent Dumestre 10 Spero Vincent DumestreMassimo MoscardoBenjamin PerrotJean-Luc Tamby 11 Dump Massimo MoscardoEric BellocqBenjamin Perrot 12 Lachrimae Vincent DumestreMassimo MoscardoBenjamin PerrotJean-Luc Tamby 13 Passymeasure Galliard Eric Bellocq 14 Galiarda 15 A Toy 16 Trenchmore Jean-Luc TambyBenjamin Perrot 17 In Nomine XII "Crye" Vincent DumestreMassimo MoscardoBenjamin PerrotJean-Luc Tamby 18 Corn Yairds Benjamin Perrot 19 A Gray's Inn, the First Vincent Dumestre 20 Love Is Strange 21 Canaries Jean-Luc TambyBenjamin Perrot 22 Upon la mi re Benjamin Perrot Listen to full