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Nobody's Jig, 17th-Century Dances from British Isles (Alpha Collection) Les Witches

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Nobody's Jig, 17th-Century Dances from British Isles (Alpha Collection) Les Witches Copied to clipboard Failed copying to clipboard
1 Nobody's Jig, Mr Lane's Maggott, Black and Grey 2 Stingo 3 Virgin Queen, Bobbing Joe 4 Daphne 5 Paul's Steeple 6 Prince Rupert March, Prins Robbert Masco 7 Sheperd's Holiday 8 Confess His Tune 9 An Italian Rant 10 Stanes Morris 11 A Health to Betty 12 A Mask No. 6 13 Drive the Cold Winter Away, the Beggar Boy 14 A Division on a Ground 15 Woodycock 16 Wallom Green 17 Bravade, Argiers 18 A Piece Without Title 19 Hey to the Camp, Schottisch Tanz 20 Rights of Man Listen to full