1Rocks Are Oil2Born In A Sour3Bumble Bees4Collecting Me5Only Making Fools6Shimmy Shimmy Shimmy7Mimi8Sourwood Mountain9Melon Song10Pillars Pond11Can You Spare Some Change12I Can't Wait I Cannot13Married In A Fever14Welcome To The Way It Is15Basin Slip16Ollie's Song17651Hey Buddy, What's Wrong2The Light Between Your Knees3Watched Pot5London Dew6Wonderful Wonderful7Warzone8You Are My Flower9Sanchez River10Charm Lost11How Sweet She Was12Anna E13Medea Rising14She Ra15Kickball16Fuzzy Tremolo17Limerick Dub1Honeyside2Those Hookers3Truck4Steam5Motorcade6Slave Reel7Shoes8Well, I Love My Baby9I Don't Mind The Bums10Weeping Into A Pond11Shrimpcore12I Loves You , Porgy13When My Hand Is On The Wheel14Drought Of '4315Columbo16Mudpin17The Sultan's EyesListen to full