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Voyages d'hiver (Noëls du monde a cappella) Les Itinérantes

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Voyages d'hiver (Noëls du monde a cappella) Les Itinérantes Copied to clipboard Failed copying to clipboard
1 Noël nouvelet 2 God Rest You Merry, Gentlemen 3 Bel Astre que j'adore 4 El Noi de la Mare 5 The Holly and the Ivy 6 Borboleta 7 La fée dragée 8 Coventry Carol 9 Sidrabiņa Lietiņš Lija 10 Altissima Luce / Laude Novella 11 Sous la glace (Sahèl) 12 Dia do Bheatha 13 Colind pentru România 14 Sankta Lucia 15 Ice Dance (From "Edward's Scissorhands") 16 Northern Lights Listen to full