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Celtic Brittany Various Artists

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Celtic Brittany Various Artists Copied to clipboard Failed copying to clipboard
1 Quand la ville dort (When the Town Is Sleeping) 2 Suite Vannetaise: Suite Vannetaise, Parts I and II 3 La Fregate de Paimboeuf (Pamboeuf's Frigate) 4 Si j'ai le courage (If I am Brave Enough) 5 Early in the Morning 6 Larides 7 Dans Fanch: Dans Fanch (The Dance of Francois) 8 Glaz Noz (Color of the Blue Night) 9 Drouk kinnig meumenoiou (Awkward about Numbers) 10 Suite de tours 11 Bel artilleur - Les ridees du printemps (Handsome Artillery Man - The Spring Ridees) 12 Jolie jeunette (Pretty Lass) 13 Hommage au Pere Jean (Tribute to Father John) 14 L'oiseau rare (The One in a Million) 15 Reve de lande (Dream of the Moor) Listen to full