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All in a Garden Green, Four Seasons of English Music Le Tendre Amour, Nina Åkerblom Nielsen

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All in a Garden Green, Four Seasons of English Music Le Tendre Amour, Nina Åkerblom Nielsen Copied to clipboard Failed copying to clipboard
1 Chirping of the Nightingale, Chirping of the Lark 2 John Come Kiss Me Now 3 Aria amorosa, va poco di manera Italiana 4 No More Shall Meads Be Deckt With Flowers 5 Ciaccona in F Major 6 Glory of the West, The Goddesses 7 Can Beauty's Spring 8 Chaconne for Solo Guitar 9 Now Ye Spring Is Come 10 Ground After the Scotch Humour 11 Ground in C Minor 12 Sweeter Than Roses Nina Åkerblom Nielsen 13 Greensleeves 14 All in a Garden Green / Onder een linde groen 15 Stanes Morris / The Glory of the Sun 16 O Mistress Mine 17 The Woods so Wild 18 Autumn "See my many coloured fields" 19 Aria 20 Cold and Raw 21 "When a Cruel Long Winter" (Phoebus) 22 Remember O Thou Man 23 Virgin Queen / An Italian Rant 24 A Division on a Ground 25 Here the Deities Approve Listen to full