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A Young Person's Guide to the Avant-Garde Various Artists

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A Young Person's Guide to the Avant-Garde Various Artists Copied to clipboard Failed copying to clipboard
1 Vexations 2 Suicide in an Airplane 3 Risveglio Di Una Citta 4 L'aviatore Dro 5 Corale 6 La Battaglia Di Adrianopoli 7 Dance of the Monkeys 8 Mechanisms 9 Musical Erratum 10 Mouvements Perpetueles 11 Pas De La Chicoree Frisee 12 La Nourrice Americaine 13 La Toison D'or 14 Die Sonata in Urlauten 15 Description of a Dream 1 The Unanswered Question 2 Sechs Kleine Klavierstucke 3 The Rite of Spring (Extract) 4 Tanz Op. 10 5 Pacific 231 6 Iron Foundry 7 The Aeolian Harp 8 4.33 9 Gesang Der Junglinge 10 Poeme Electronique 11 Atmospheres Listen to full