1The old-Lime Tree2Steppe And Steppe Around3The Willow Tree4Oh, You, the Night5Trinity6Creeps And Curls7On The Murom Road8A Young One's Path9Monotonously Ringing Little Bell10In The Mountains of Dagestan11We Went on a Boat Ride12Poor Girl13Not for Me14Evening Bell15Like Two Doves on an Oak Tree16Nothing in the Field17To The Road I Go Alone18Oh, Samara-City19The Magic Lake20Dreams Come True21Prelude22Evening Mood23Vivat Maestro24Marsel Dadi25Alpine Mazurka26Strokes to the Portrait27Tribute to Barrios28In Expectation29Swan Song30«The Link of Times» - Sonatina31White Grand Piano32Wind-Up Toy33Romance34Italian Capriccio35A Bygone Day36Watercolour I37Watercolour II38Night Café39Etude-Fantasy40Mirage41The Bright Night42Ukrainian Towel43Dreams44Latin American Etude45To My Friends46Island of Hope47Forget-Me-Not Flower48Caravan49Cossack Rhapsody50Take TreeListen to full