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Speaking Rzewski (Pieces for Speaking Pianist Performed by Stephane Ginsburgh) Frederic Rzewski, Stephane Ginsburgh

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Speaking Rzewski (Pieces for Speaking Pianist Performed by Stephane Ginsburgh) Frederic Rzewski, Stephane Ginsburgh Copied to clipboard Failed copying to clipboard
1 De Profundis Stephane Ginsburgh 2 America: A Poem Stephane Ginsburgh 3 Dear Diary 1. Stuporman Stephane Ginsburgh 4 Dear Diary 2. Names Stephane Ginsburgh 5 Dear Diary 3. No Good Stephane Ginsburgh 6 Dear Diary 4. Samson Stephane Ginsburgh 7 Dear Diary 5. Thanks Stephane Ginsburgh Listen to full