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New York Youth Symphony - Florence Price: Ethiopia's Shadow in America; Piano Concerto in One Movement • Valerie Coleman: Umoja: Anthem in Unity • Jessie Montgomery: Soul Force New York Youth Symphony, Michael Repper

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New York Youth Symphony - Florence Price: Ethiopia's Shadow in America; Piano Concerto in One Movement • Valerie Coleman: Umoja: Anthem in Unity • Jessie Montgomery: Soul Force New York Youth Symphony, Michael Repper Copied to clipboard Failed copying to clipboard
1 Ethiopia's Shadow in America: I. The Arrival of the Negro in America When First Brought Here as a Slave Michael Repper 2 Ethiopia's Shadow in America: II. His Resignation and Faith Michael Repper 3 Ethiopia's Shadow in America: III. His Adaptation: A Fusion of His Native and Acquired Impulses Michael Repper 4 Umoja: Anthem of Unity Michael Repper 5 Piano Concerto in One Movement New York Youth SymphonyMichael Repper 6 Soul Force Michael Repper Listen to full