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Andy Irvine / Paul Brady (Remastered) Andy Irvine, Paul Brady

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Andy Irvine / Paul Brady (Remastered) Andy Irvine, Paul Brady Copied to clipboard Failed copying to clipboard
1 Plains Of Kildare (Remastered) Paul Brady 2 Lough Erne Shore (Remastered) Paul Brady 3 Fred Finn's Reel/Sailing Into Walpole's Marsh (Remastered) Paul Brady 4 Bonny Woodhall (Remastered) Paul Brady 5 Arthur McBride And The Sergeant (Remastered) Paul Brady 6 The Jolly Soldier/The Blarney Pilgrim (Remastered) Paul Brady 7 Autumn Gold (Remastered) Paul Brady 8 Mary And The Soldier (Remastered) Paul Brady 9 The Streets Of Derry (Remastered) Paul Brady 10 Martinmas Time/The Little Stack Of Wheat (Remastered) Paul Brady Listen to full